Bid Information


There have been a number of attempts by unscrupulous individuals to place fraudulent orders using Grand Valley State University as the originator.

  • If the product being ordered is not being shipped to Grand Valley State University's Allendale or Grand Rapids Michigan campuses, you should be suspicious.
  • Also pay close attention to the originating email and phone number, as these will be indicators that the request is bogus.
    • All GVSU employees have an email address ending in and a phone number beginning with 616-331-xxxx
    • Fraudsters may send emails claiming to be from a GVSU employee that end in .gov or .org, these are not legitimate. They have also been using fake email addresses that link directly to our website. Please stay vigilant and call our office (616-331-2280) with any questions. 
  • If you receive an email that you suspect is fraudulent, click "File FBI Complaint" below, or contact a Procurement Services team member with further inquiries.

Contact Procurement Services      File FBI Complaint

Payment Terms Update

October 1, 2023

Dear Valued Partner,

To begin I would like to thank you for the benefits and value your company has been providing to our university. We are very pleased with your services/goods and appreciate the professionalism and commitment your company shows through your staff and your services.

Grand Valley State University has recently made the decision to move to a new financial system, Workday.  As part of this transition, we have spent time reviewing our payment process with all our suppliers and partners.  During this review Grand Valley State University has decided to set a flat payment term with all our suppliers to Net 30 days, which become effective starting January 1, 2024.

If different terms have already been negotiated with your company, please submit a copy of that agreement to Procurement at [email protected] or via mail: 

Grand Valley State University
2015 JHZ
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49412

We are excited about the efficiency of the procurement and payment processes Workday brings to us, including faster invoice processing and a supplier portal. We ask for your patience as we transition to this new system during December 2023 and into January 2024 and the following months.  Please watch for further communication regarding the new supplier portal in the coming months.

Please let us know if you have any questions on this change to payment terms. We look forward to continuing our relationship with you!

For questions or concerns, please contact our office at 616-331-2233 or email [email protected].



Aaron Caccmo
Director of Procurement Services

Erica Herwig
Asst Controller AP and Finance Systems

View finalized letter

What is the University's bid policy?

University policy requires that for all purchases exceeding $10,000 and when appropriate on lesser amounts, the purchase shall be preceded by competitive bids. These bids should be written except when time or other circumstances do not permit, in which case verbal bids are acceptable if properly documented. For all purchases exceeding $25,000, the purchase shall be preceded by competitive sealed bids. No sealed bids can be accepted if received after the date and time specified, at which time they are to be publicly opened and read aloud.

How do I get on the University bid list?

Suppliers must register using Workday Strategic Sourcing. Please feel free to enclose business literature, product list, catalog and price list, business card, etc. This information will be maintained in our vendor resource library for future reference. Copies of the information you provide are often shared with appropriate campus departments for referral when making requisition decisions.

How can I stay updated on the University's bids?

You can subscribe to new bid openings by selecting appropriate UNSPSC codes during registration in Workday Strategic Sourcing. By selecting one or more categories, you will receive notification via email when new bids appear.

Should I respond if I'm unable to bid for contract?

It is in your best interest to respond with notification why no bid is being submitted. Continued failure to respond at all may result in removal from bid list.

Am I required to appear at bid openings?

You are not required to appear at bid openings unless otherwise specified in the bid documents.

How do I find out the results of a bid if I'm unable to attend the bid opening?

After the bids have been opened, suppliers may contact the buyer for a copy of results or to schedule a meeting to review bids if that is more appropriate. Please reference the bid number, contract item and due date with your request.

Page last modified April 22, 2024